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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Personal Writing: Going To School In The United States
Words: 511 / Pages: 2

.... with my uncle, I felt very rebellious because they were not my real parents and often developed strong resentment towards them and my parents. Since I was the oldest one in my family, all the responsibility of taking care of my brothers and cousins was carried upon my obligations. The expectation of graduating from high school and pursuing on to a prestige college came all suddenly crushing down upon my life. With this pressure at home in the United States, the most significant event that I had to deal with was my parents unhappily marriage. Receiving the news about my parents divorce brought severe depression and confusion towards my tho .....

The Morning
Words: 930 / Pages: 4

.... and six soft chicken tacos, not too mention the flour tortillas, rice and beans. Needless to say this type of food does not settle well with your stomach, not even for an all you can eat pro like myself. I thought the bomb I dropped before I went to sleep would make for an easy morning. I was wrong. At 6:10 I found myself stuck in the library for what seemed like an eternity. It was not my typical morning dump, it was the never ending dump from hell. Every time I thought the nightmare was over, I found my self dropping more and more and more. It was already 7:30 and I had to leave by 8:15 in order to make it to my office by 9:00. .....

Words: 8360 / Pages: 31

.... reaching for his cigarette pack. With quick, practiced movements he withdrew one of the long tubes from the cardboard package. With one hand he placed it in a precise position in his lips while the other hand was occupied with first replacing the package to his shirt pocket, then digging out a half used pack of matches from his too tight jeans. He was extremely conscious of the fluidity of his movements; lighting the cigarette with the match was the hard part, and he wanted to look as cool as possible, smooth and flowing, for all the eyes he perceived to be on him. He managed to execute the task to his satisfaction as he entered the staff room ab .....

The Green Light Café
Words: 962 / Pages: 4

.... the group, shouldered the responsibility of lyricist. Children may know him as they study his poetry in their high school English classes someday. To me, he will always be Nick…or Funkula. Over a bottle of port, we created tunes until the shadows outside became trees and houses once again. Inspiration for a new song was never more than a glance to the sky away for Nick. He savored his forte- clever, witty social and spiritual observations. On this particular night, however, we rewrote the words to an old 80’s song that could not have been that good because none of us could remember the words, title, or artist who performed it. We knew the .....

Creative Writing: Stanley
Words: 2388 / Pages: 9

.... life sucked. He worked from dusk until dawn, stopping only to smoke a cigarette or a joint, (although Stan felt he smoked too much of both.) With this third job now beginning, his prospects seemed nothing but grim. In Stanley's mind, work was life and life was hard, so this is how work must be. He hated this thought, and therefore his own existence, which was his mind-set as he entered the doors of Holiday Lanes Family Recreation Center. Once inside, Stanley immediately asked the small, sheepish figure behind the shoe rental counter where Kyle was, and was given the response "Dunno." Dunno, What an asshole, Stanley thought to himself. Givin .....

“The Night”
Words: 1024 / Pages: 4

.... She believed me and allowed me to go, so it was a go for the weekend. So the plan was on. My friends and I were to party this weekend. Finally Friday came but it seemed like an eternity. By the time I sat through six hours or boring nonsense at school, I knew the fun was coming, slowly but surely. I Finally got on my trip down to my buddy Scott’s house, it seemed like a long trip because I had to ride my bike there. But he lived right down the road so it wasn’t that bad. Also I knew that it would all be worthwhile when I arrived there and we went to Mandys. After a while of watching television, Scott and I decided to go on down Mandys. .....

College Application Essay: Influence Of My Academic Interest In Education
Words: 473 / Pages: 2

.... then he was introduced to more harmful and more addictive drugs. He would read books about becoming a pharmacist and it was very obvious that his knowledge of drugs would either get him into trouble or make him successful. He was a full time student, but he was on the wrong road and his teachers had no idea. If only one teacher had taken the initiative to try to help my uncle with his interest in pharmaceuticals, maybe he could have used his knowledge in a positive way. Teachers are supposed to be role models and people that teenagers can talk to, whether they are having trouble at home, need someone who may understand them better, or for actu .....

Want To Be A Canadian?
Words: 487 / Pages: 2

.... where you should get your rain jacket? "Mountain Equipment Coop" is where you should go. Look at our all teacher's rain jackets. Do you see any Mountain Equipment Coop jackets? Yeah, everyone is wearing them. The place to go : If you are a teenager, you should go to Lonsdale Quay on Weekend nights. Many North Van teenagers get together but I don't know what they are doing at there. Americans : I guess you know how you should deal with them. Try not to like them and complain a little bit about them. University & College : Change your major at least 3 times. Hockey : watch it and be able to name at lease three Canucks players. Coffee : Have .....

A Modest Essay
Words: 499 / Pages: 2

.... outlaw in Peru. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I was scouted by the Mets, I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge. I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don't perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller numb .....

A Remedy For My Sweet Tooth
Words: 652 / Pages: 3

.... them because I can chew many of them at the same time. In one package of Skittles I can chow on flavors like grape, lemon, green apple, and orange. Munching on these tasty candies gives me a visual. I feel as though I am picking the actual fruit off of the tree it is on and taking a massive bite out of it. I experience a totally different sensation when I suck on a sour coated candy. Warheads are one of my favorites. Eating one of these potent pellets is a tortuous thing to do to myself, but I love the risk. My face cringes up and my eyes’ are squinted shut until I get every last tart coating off. Sour Patch Kids are also a trip. These l .....

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