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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

The Witness
Words: 733 / Pages: 3

.... the car off down the road. The boy, Adam Martins had witnessed what was turning out to be the most important case in the state’s history, and after the FBI had uncovered the Mafia link they were left with no choice but to take Adam into safety. They presumed that the Mafia was watching every move made by Adam and his family, and the FBI couldn’t risk telling the boy’s mother or any other family members. Adam sat in the backseat, squeezed between two agents. He was confused, still half asleep and luckily, very quiet. The dark car turned off the freeway and drove carefully down what seemed an unused dirt track. They were taking Adam to an FBI .....

The Hurt Of Others
Words: 340 / Pages: 2

.... The last day came around and we all said our goodbyes. I saw Fred leaving so I ran up to him and we stood talking. As we were talking, I felt sorry for having alienated him. As we departed we, promised we would get together over the summer. I called him once or twice, but we were unable to get together. When I entered grade ten, I found I was making more new friends, forgetting about Fred. Later I had found Fred had buried himself with crime, getting into a lot of trouble. One day I saw Fred sitting on a bench by himself. I approached him with an uneasy walk..... " Fred..," I said. " Colin!" he exclaimed. We talked for about half an hour, f .....

The Republic Of Pakistan
Words: 425 / Pages: 2

.... It is no doubt that the government of Brazil is lacking in practically every respect. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! We can not let this continue yet further, as it will then be even more difficult to come out of it later. Here is what the Dominion Republic purpose: To put a price freeze on all goods and services. What this would do, is result in a decrease of Brazilian inflation hence, saving the economy. This must be done! Ladies and gentlemen, there is a solution to every problem, unfortunately, the Brazilian government does not seem very interested in the remedies. HOWEVER, we, The Republic of Pakistan, feel that the opportunity should be g .....

Don't Just Look In Its Eyes - A Creative Story
Words: 890 / Pages: 4

.... the hunted snaps taut? That moment when I realize I've got him and he realizes he's dead? YES! First there's the dance, the slow teasing chase, the furtive glances, the glimpses of your prey, and his wild frantic glances back. And then the tug of war, of spirits, of wills, of endurance. The wire of tension draws tight. Like and umbilical cord, the hunter has bonded with his prey, forever, bonded by the life and death chase. The fuse of life burns shorter, bringing the hunter closer, close, and then the final intimacy of the kill! Does the dumb beast know its fate? Can he guess its fate? Can he sense his fate shadowing .....

Personal Essay: The Yemin Order Project
Words: 249 / Pages: 1

.... as the school has done so much for me I would like and want to return something positive back into the school, and I feel that this is an excellent opportunity for me to achieve my goal. - Leadership - I teach a large class of children at Cheder including me planning work for them. - Ability to work in a team - I exhibited this skill on the Duke Of Edinburgh expedition - Ability to work as an individual - I am able to use my initiative which can be seen when I designed a computer presentation for the prospective Parents Evening this school year. - Ability to grasp a situation and respond appropriately - I exhibited this skill during my ti .....

Creative Writing: In An Oldster's Mind
Words: 1498 / Pages: 6

.... Bed is my lovely place. I call it, the gymnasium. I used to roll on my bed. Whenever my mind cannot function or do not know what should do next, I would roll, roll and roll. This time is unusual because my head is crashing the fence of the bed. It is not much painful. The crash stops me rolling but starts me getting recall of my friend, Angus. At a time, my brain is working like a computer loading an enormous file. A picture is appearing - a guy is walking towards me and gives me his saber. The saber is sharp and shiny, it reflects an intensive light to my eyes. My eyes shutter reluctantly. I see my school, my night school. I am glad that this reca .....

Creative Essay: Being A Student And An Athlete
Words: 794 / Pages: 3

.... my body. I thought, "what am I going to do?" Then I had to face my parents, boy was I scared. What was I going to tell them? Sorry mom and dad but I wasted your money; I had no excuses so I told them the truth. What happened after that changed my life forever. It was either the military or go to a community college and try to redeem myself. I wanted to do neither, but I had to choose. The military was off my list and going to a community college sounded o.k. So I registered and the rest of that summer I had to deal with the fact that I had not accomplished anything in the past year and this was wake up call and the only chance I had left to p .....

Creative Writing: A Night Fishing
Words: 1108 / Pages: 5

.... and I had gone on many explorations to far off places. We had sneaking out at night down to such an art that if we could put it on paper then it would be more famous then Leonardo da Vinci's painting, The Last Supper. We would sometimes make dummy bodies that would lie lifeless all night under tightly nitid sheets. The Abig yellow house@ is where we met. From there we would do whatever sounded like the most fun. Sometimes it was hanging out and eating ice cream all night. Other times we would go tick someone off by tee- peeing their house. And yes, there were even times when we would go fishing at this lake that was out in the middle of nowhe .....

Creative Writing: The Shining
Words: 926 / Pages: 4

.... Jack is stuned by what he hears and then quickly say's something to the effect of not having to worry about something like that happening, and that he needed the months off to get started on a book he was writing. Lloyd decides to let him have the job, and asked him to come back the next day. The next day Danny (his son) and wife Wendy and Jack left for the hotel. They arrive and get there bags dropped off, it is the last day the hotel is open for the season, and people are checking out, and workers cleaning up, so they can leave for the spring. Jack and Wendy goto meet up with Lloyd, and Danny leaves for the game room. Lloyd takes them aroun .....

GIS And My Fields Of Interest
Words: 606 / Pages: 3

.... relates to GIS. Early on with GIS, there were many legal battles over information and if it should be a commodity for sale or free for all for public usage. And should some maps and information be withheld from the public for safety reasons and/or be treated as a private entity, which can be bought and sold. Some examples of confidential data that can't be released are records in the Internal Revenue Service, Census Bureau, and also the Mineral Management Service. Another holder of private information would be the Department of Defense, withholding war information and military technology. So far the primary legal uses of GIS are the access to in .....

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