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Health Essay Writing Help

Words: 666 / Pages: 3

.... is under stress (whether it is real or imaginary) Adrenaline is poured into the bloodstream. As a result of that the pulse quickens, the blood pressure raises and the muscle tension increases. Furthermore you may feel more criticised by others, become more pessimistic, cynical, or resentful than usual. Things you normally look forward to may seem like a burden. A lot of people are not aware of being under stress. Some are frequently under so much stress that they assume the feeling is normal. Pros By hearing the word "stress" most people think of something unpleasant and bad. But that is only conditionally true. Stress has also several positi .....

Words: 1298 / Pages: 5

.... way that humans can get Ebola is by eating an infected animal or drinking the milk of an infected animal. Ebola is spread from human to human by contact with infected blood, infected body fluids, or through sexual contact. Even after a person recovers completely from Ebola, it may stay in the semen for up to seven weeks. In the African outbreaks it has also been transmitted by the reuse of needles because the health care systems are so under financed. Ebola wasn't thought to be an airborne virus, but recent studies by the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and the CDC found that monkeys showed Ebola like symptoms after bei .....

Bipolar Affective Disorder
Words: 2065 / Pages: 8

.... and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter retardation, loss of energy, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide. The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). Bipolar .....

The Life Of Identical Twins
Words: 1729 / Pages: 7

.... or marry (Mathias, 1992). It is important, therefore, to encourage individuality in, and a healthy relationship between, each twin from birth so that they will not experience individualisation problems (Siemon, 1980). According to Sandbank (1988), three main factors play roles in the development of twin individuality. These are: competition in the twinship, the school environment and parental attitude. Competition, according to Mathias (1992), results from being either envious or jealous of someone else. Jealousy is something that twins probably experience before other children as they are always competing for a share of parental attention. So, ide .....

Abortion: A Women's Right And Choice
Words: 1413 / Pages: 6

.... with incomes under eleven thousand are over three times more likely to abort than those with incomes above twenty-five thousand. Unmarried women are four to five times more likely to abort than married and the abortion rate has doubled for 18 and 19 year olds. Recently the U.S. rate dropped 6 percent overall but the rate of abortion among girls younger than 15 jumped 18 percent. The rate among minority teens climbed from 186 per 1,000 to 189 per 1,000. The most popular procedure involved in abortions is the vacuum aspiration which is done during the first trimester (three months or less since the women has become pregnant). A tube is sim .....

Sexual Abuse And Repressed Memories
Words: 689 / Pages: 3

.... and which are just false memories? This has caused many controversies in the field of psychology. Many people believe in the theory of repressed memories. Psychologists argue that people store different experiences in the right and left halves of their brain. The left stores sequential, logical, language-oriented experience; the right stores perceptual, spatial experiences. When people try to retrieve right-brain information through left-brain techniques, they sometimes hit a blank (Bass 71). Psychologists also state that forgetting is one of the most common and effective ways children deal with sexual abuse. Many children are able to forge .....

Assisted Suicide
Words: 586 / Pages: 3

.... deed. He should in fact be praised for heeling the pain of a dying person. Having to live a life where every passing minute is dreaded is something that no person should have to experience. Money is a big issue to everyone whether they admit or not. Should a person and their family be forced to spend thousands of dollars a day on medical expenses just so the patient can continue living a life he doesn't even want to keep? This medical treatment, in some instances, can only extend a life by mere weeks. In theory, this treatment is just adding on more weeks of pain and suffering. Not only does the patient have to suffer, but the family member .....

Death Can Come Too Late: Active And Passive Euthanasia
Words: 2561 / Pages: 10

.... unnatural technology) in the "natural" process of death when it results in extending life, but intolerable and morally abhorrent when we act to speed the patient to his or her unavoidable death? Certain members of society see active euthanasia as "killing," where passive euthanasia is viewed in the more favorable light of "letting one die". My question is this: how are the two morally different? Examine the following case: Perry L. was a nineteen-year-old who played in a local band, loved the outdoors, and planned to become a doctor. One night in 1989 while driving a skidoo he ran headlong into a tree. Perry no longer has any cogn .....

Two Sides Of The Brain
Words: 1107 / Pages: 5

.... in about half of the 15 percent of the population that is left-handed) and, in essence, is logical analytical, judgemental and verbal. It's interested in the bottom line, in being efficent. The right brain controls the left side of the body and leans more to the creative, the intuitive. It is concerned more with the visual and emotional side of life. Most people, if they thought about it, would identify more with their left brain. In fact, many of us think we are our left brains. All of that non-stop verbalization that goes on in our heads is the dominant left brain talking to itself. Our culture- particularly our school system with .....

A Look At Abortion
Words: 951 / Pages: 4

.... consequence of this judicial decision are now abvious; since 1973 more than 15 million children have been aborted for various reason, none of them have seen their first glimse of light, that is 10 times the number of americans killed in all our nation's wars. Make no mistake though, abortion on demand is not a right granted by the constitution. Instead Roe vs. Wade had been a continuing reminder to the conscience of this nation. The nation reflects today that we can't diminish the value of human life(the unborn child) without diminishing the value of all human life including each and everyone of us. Mother Teresa once said “Abortion is the greate .....

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