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Abortion: Pro Choice
Words: 1727 / Pages: 7

.... on the other hand, also carry very strong points. They believe that the child inside them is their property and it's life doesn't be until birth. In 1973, the United States Supreme Court decided that as long as the baby lived in the womb, he or she would be the property of the mother. Because of this decision almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by abortion, over one and a half million babies a year (Willke vii). Many countries have followed our decision on the abortion issue and some of these include Canada, England, and France. Other countries still believe abortion should be illegal, they include Germany, Ireland, and New Zeal .....

Multiple Personality Disorder
Words: 962 / Pages: 4

.... fully understand it. I decided that my most convenient source would be the Internet. The Internet has websites, encyclopedias, and magazine articles. I know that the Internet isn’t always accurate, so I knew that I had to look into books. I started out by looking into the Internet. I have the Internet at home, so it was easiest for me to start with. MPD was not a very common subject on the Internet. I couldn’t fine too much information on MPD, and I became very frustrated. Whenever I conducted a search on MPD, I would find DID instead. I wasn’t quite sure what DID was, but I had a feeling that it was some what related to MPD. My next .....

Bipolar Affective Disorder
Words: 1956 / Pages: 8

.... and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter retardation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. 199 .....

Chicken Pox
Words: 346 / Pages: 2

.... to break out from one to five days, so they may appear on the body in different stages. The fever and malaise common in children with the disease is more serious in adults. Varicella can also cause 'Shingles' in adults. When people with suppressed immune systems are infected, the disease can become quite serious. If a pregnant woman contracts the disease during the first or second trimester there may be a congenital birth defect. If the disease is contracted within five days of birth the child risks being infected seriously with the disease and should be vaccinated immediately. The disease usually runs its course within two weeks, leaving .....

The Criminalization Of Knowingly Transmitting AIDS
Words: 1394 / Pages: 6

.... HIV- 2, was also discovered in Africa. HIV-2 also causes AIDS. AIDS is transmitted in three ways: From sexual contact without protection, from the mixing of ones blood with infected blood, and from an infected pregnant woman to her fetus. Infection can occur from blood transfusions of infected blood, or sharing 'dirty' needles. (Needles already used, in this case, by a HIV positive person.) The criminalization of intentionally spreading AIDS has been a big issue recently, and still remains so. As of September, 1991, legislation criminalizing AIDS transmission has been passed in 24 states. Among these states are California, Idaho, Ohio, .....

Words: 825 / Pages: 3

.... After appealing and with the support of three major party leaders the law was passed. Prime Minister John Howard disapproved with the Law and saying that he has no problem reconciling his views on federalism with his views on life and death by voting to over turn the law. Also Kevin Andrews was strongly not in favour and with Howard's support he introduced a bill overriding the N.T laws. But still in the end the law was still standing. If our leaders are divided we could say that the citizens of Australia would have been divided on this Issue. Maybe a referendum would have been appropriate, but still euthanasia would still occur illegal and sec .....

The Controversy Surrounding The Gulf War Syndrome
Words: 2591 / Pages: 10

.... also another reason to celebrate. The allies only lost 149 troops to Iraq's thousands and thousands. On April 6, it was officially over after Iraq agreed to a permanent cease-fire. Allied troops started heading home, including Mark. There were tears and laughs along with parades and other festivities to celebrate the war's end when troops returned home to their loving countries. As for Mark, he had done his job, he defeated the enemy and kept himself alive. His own personal joy and relief overwhelmed him to the extent of asking his girlfriend for her hand in marriage. She immediately said yes. Within a year and a half upon the year's end, Mar .....

Impotency: New Therapy
Words: 140 / Pages: 1

.... has been thought to be found. It is less invasive than most other treatments. According to almost 60 medical centers all over the United States of America, the new approach has been found. Transurethral Alprostadil has enabled 64.9% of all men with erectile disfunction to have an erection during sexual intercourse, compared to 18.6% on placebo. Other therapies include needle injection, vacuum devices, and implants. the new treatment is used by inserting an applicator containing a microspository of aprosital into the urethra after going to the bathroom. When a button on the applicator is pressed the suppository is deposited into the urethral lin .....

Homosexuality And The Healthcare Profession
Words: 3338 / Pages: 13

.... lead to a greater degree of understanding and therefore an improvement in the care of this patient group and their relatives. The writer’s main incentive for writing this paper comes from his work as a volunteer for a local gay/lesbian helpline, as well as his observations within his professional work-place, namely, an Intensive Care Unit. A phobia is defined by Collins (1993) as, "an irrational and morbid condition; an intense and unreasoning fear or dislike." From this, homophobia can be defined as, "a pattern of attitudes - a revulsion towards homosexuals and often the desire to inflict punishment, mental or physical, as retribution" (Weinberg 1 .....

Attention Deficit Disorder
Words: 1098 / Pages: 4

.... and when this happens it causes a.d.d. to occur. There are a few different categories that a.d.d. can be broken down into one of them is A.D.H.D. which makes it very difficult for children to follow along in class. Usually children with A.D.H.D. are more problematic or harder to keep in line, because A.D.H..D. is involving much more hyperactive behavior. A.D.D. is a genetic disease, and in the case of A..D..D. If a child has it there is a more than good chance the parent has it as well. Fifty percent of parents that have kids with A.D.D. have A.D.D. as well. There are many different symptoms and effects of A..D..D. such as Bad organization thi .....

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