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Health Essay Writing Help

Cognitive Development In Children
Words: 1148 / Pages: 5

.... theory has been a major influential model since its origination in the 1920s (Beard, 1969 ). Piaget's theory has a biological perspective to cognitive development and focuses on broad, qualitative stages. Another acknowledged theory is the information- processing theory which, approaches cognitive development from a computer accentuated perspective, and focuses on the more narrow, continuous, quantitative changes (Westen, 1996). Though these theories approach cognitive development from different angles, their advancements into how a child constructs thought and thinks are not totally at odds with one another as they similarly compare in some asp .....

The Effects Of Lead Poison On Children
Words: 2310 / Pages: 9

.... the surface. Here lead builds up in the soil particles. Where it may make its way into underground water or drinking water due to the fact the grounds acidic or if it's soft enough. Either way it stays a long time on the soil or in water. Months or years down the road after the lead has built up it starts to become a problem for children that play outside of their homes (Xintaras, 1993). These lead containing soil particles get on the child's hands or clothing and end up in the child's mouth. After the build up of so much lead it leads to a problem commonly known as lead poison. Lead poisoning has been an issue since the early 1900s, when the u .....

Addiction And Heath Professionals
Words: 1631 / Pages: 6

.... general public’s awareness of a problem that does exist within the field. This realization has led the American Medical Association to take active and preventive measures toward drug use as well as state medical boards (Mansky, 1996). The American with Disabilities Act protects the drug impaired health professional through recovery and back into his/her job. The problem concerning addicted health professionals seems to affect the public as most of us seek healthcare at one time or another in our lifetimes. First, the definition of impairment must be addressed. According to the American Medical Association’s Council on Mental Health, impairm .....

Canine Hip Dysplasia
Words: 1841 / Pages: 7

.... and growth of the hip joint (Anonymous, 1997). This painful disorder is the most common orthopedic disease in large and giant-breed dogs (Smith,1997). In order to fully understand this disease, you must understand the canine hip. The normal canine hip is a ball and socket joint consisting of the acetabulum and femur (Minnier, 1996). The acetabulum and femur provide for a tight fit and allow pain free movement. In a dog with CHD, the fit between the acetabulum and femur is loose causing friction between the two bones. This is manifested by varying degrees of laxity of the muscles and ligaments around the hip joint along with instability and malformati .....

The Female Body
Words: 1660 / Pages: 7

.... male to the female during intercourse. The vaginal mucosa has no glands; it is lubricated by the cervical mucous glands. Its epithelial cells release large amounts of glycogen, which is anaerobically metabolized to lactic acid by resident bacteria. Consequently, the pH of a woman’s vagina is normally quite acidic. This acidity helps keep the vagina healthy & free of infection, but it is also hostile to sperm. Although vaginal fluid of adult woman is acidic, it tends to be alkaline in adolescents, predisposing sexually active teenagers to sexually transmitted diseases. In virgins, the mucosa near the distal vaginal orifice forms an incomplete .....

Do Men Have Symptoms Of PMS?
Words: 595 / Pages: 3

.... Most people's personalities control how they react to anger. Most people's personalities differ. Some people feel hostile, while others just show hostility. Most men say, "that they are just stressed out." Most men think that when women get stressed out, it is due to a hormone-imbalance due to PMS. Some people get food cravings when their hormones are imbalanced. Hormones control when people feel get cravings. Most people crave certain foods. Whether, the chocolate melts in their hands, the toppings are piled on the pizza, or they feel the need to lick the inside of the potato chip bag; people get cravings. Cravings can influence a pers .....

Paranoid Personality Disorders
Words: 888 / Pages: 4

.... and are actually amazed if someone shows loyalty. However, this amazement also gives way to disbelief and falls back towards the idea that this newfound loyalty is part of a plot to cause harm. Those of with the disorder also tend to bear their grudges and unwilling to forgive. They nurture their grudges and anger, which over time, gives them more of a sense that it is the outside world which the problem, not themselves. At times, these individuals may also conjure up flamboyant illusions to confirm their behavior toward others. These feelings are also carried out towards family as well. One example could be as if a person with this personality d .....

Early To Bed
Words: 487 / Pages: 2

.... to think more clearly which over time might improve ones physical and mental health which I suppose could be interpreted as wisdom, but as we have established early to bed early to rise does not result in more sleep. Perhaps if one were to wake up before the rest of the world they would have peace and quiet which would give them an opportunity to read which could make one more wise, but who can really learn that early in the morning? Who exactly is going to become wealthier as a result of going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier? I think that the average business person would become less wealthy as a result of going to bed and getting up ea .....

The Nervous System: Brain And Spinal Cord
Words: 557 / Pages: 3

.... function of the cerebrum is to control voluntary action, which includes speaking, the five senses, movement, memory, and thinking .Thc second major part of the brain is the cerebellum. The cerebellum commands balance coordination and posture. The last major part of the brain is the medulla it is in charge of heartbeat digestion, breathing sleeping and being awake. These are all the involuntary function of the body This part of the brain is the connector between the spinal cord and the cerebrum. The spinal cord belongs to the C.N.S. It is the most important bones of your lower back and it controls movement and mostly every thing in the body .....

Drug Dependence
Words: 203 / Pages: 1

.... smoking, 100,000 from misuse of alcohol, and 20,000 from use of illicit drugs. Many of the adverse health effects associated with the use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs result from long-term use caused by substance dependence (i.e., addiction)---a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating sustained psychoactive substance use despite substance-related problems. In addition, substance dependence is characterized by repeated self-administration that usually results in tolerance, withdrawal, and compulsive drug-taking behavior. Nicotine is the psychoactive substance in cigarettes and other forms of tobacco tha .....

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