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Health Essay Writing Help

Mad Cow's Disease And Mad Man
Words: 1204 / Pages: 5

.... went bad. You won't even be able to have the Jell-O surprise Aunt Sally made so well. You may not have to imagine this scenario if man does not change its' destructive ways. It all started 200 years ago, with a disease known as "Scrapie". Scrapie is a naturally occurring disease of sheep found in many parts of the world and is one kind of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) that affects a sheep's nervous system. Scrapie's main target organ is the brain but may infect other tissues such as the spinal cord, the lymphatic system, the intestines and eyes. What does sheep have to do with not being able to eat a steak you ask? In 1986, .....

Surrogate Mothers
Words: 758 / Pages: 3

.... moralism ever experienced what it would be like to be those on the other side of this issue? Suppose, for a moment, that they were the ones who were incapable of having children. Would they condemn themselves the way that they condemn others if they were in another predicament? It is surely easy to say what one would do in any situation, but one can never know exactly what they would do until that situation comes. How many of you have ever held a small child in your arms and looked into its small eyes and felt the love that you had for it. Perhaps it was a younger sibling, perhaps even a child of your own. You know how much that you love that .....

Alzheimer's Disease: "Where Has Yesterday Gone"
Words: 2690 / Pages: 10

.... not a sign of decay (Freedman 10)." As we get older, there is some mild impairment in our recollection of recent events, such as forgetting why one went into a room or misplacing a person's eye glasses, which even young are guilty of doing. As reported by Larry Squire, "forgetting is quite normal and usually develops in the third decade of life, and by one estimate 85 percent of the healthy elderly – those over 65—suffer some memory impairment (59)." According to Dr. Seligmann, "forgetting is the process through which information in memory becomes inaccessible, either because it is stored but is not at that time retrievable (51)." This is one of .....

Concepts Of Lifetime Fitness
Words: 658 / Pages: 3

.... To compensate, the brain sends chemical and electrical impulses to the muscles.  These impulses tell the muscles to begin to contract and relax at very high intervals.  This is commonly known as shivering.  The production of Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP in the mitochondria of the muscles produces heat.  If the body temperature does not rise immediately after this, then a second function begins. The brain will signal the blood vessels near the skin to constrict or narrow in diameter.  This occurs so the heat deep in the muscles is conserved.  Since the vessels are now smaller in diameter, less blood is needed to fill them.  Since less blood is .....

The Problem With Medicare
Words: 1367 / Pages: 5

.... and prevention). This community service has help me gain insight on the Medicare situation because I have asked multiple amount of people that work at John Muir Medical Center. There is a side to be considered about Medicare and Social Security in the government. The vice president of the United States, Al Gore, wrote in a letter stating that social security funds are not being depleted. Gore said that, "the allegationsto the contrary have been circulated by certain organizations as a money-making scheme for some time." (Gore Letter). Vice President Gore tries to show theses allegations are untrue by explaining how social security works. In .....

Assumptions And Principles Underlying Standards For Care Of The Terminally Ill
Words: 1137 / Pages: 5

.... therapeutic in itself. There are, as it were, two complementary systems of treatment which may often overlap: One system is concerned with eliminating a curable disease and the other with relieving the symptoms resulting from the relentless progress of an incurable illness. There must be openness, interchange, and overlap between the two systems so that the patient receives continuous appropriate care. The patient should not be subjected to aggressive treatment that offers no hope of being effective in curing or controlling the disease and may only cause further distress. Obviously, the clinician must be on the alert for any shifts that may occur i .....

The Circulatory System
Words: 1335 / Pages: 5

.... the blood through an opening into the right ventricle. When this contracts the ventricle drives the blood to the lungs. Blood is prevented from returning into the auricle by the tricuspid valve, which completely closes during contraction of the ventricle. In its passage through the lungs, the blood is oxygenated, then it is brought back to the heart by the four pulmonary veins, which enter the left auricle. When this chamber contracts, blood is forced into the left ventricle and then by ventricular contraction into the aorta. The bicuspid, or mitral valve prevents the blood from flowing back into the auricle, and the semilunar valves at the beginni .....

The Real Side Of Tobacco, Drugs, And Alcohol
Words: 1231 / Pages: 5

.... turn to be fatal for many people. If they are not fatal there will be something to remember them by, whether it be scars or an amputated part of your body. Active teenagers should also take into consideration how smoking can effect their performance. It decreases your lung capacity, causing you to breathe more heavily. Teenagers who smoke have been proven three times more likely to use alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use cocaine. Among the many drugs used by people, marijuana is the most commonly used. People who use this drug become less motivated and less social. Also, their emotions become less .....

Words: 795 / Pages: 3

.... is to start by eating something like apple peels or corn. They are not easily digested. That is followed by mass quantities of junk food. Common foods that are used for bingeing are foods that can be obtained easily without much notice such as McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken. These foods can be obtained by driving up to a window to order them. No one pays much attention to a person in a car who is ordering large quantities of food. After eating the person vomits or uses laxatives to get rid of the food. When they see the apple peel or corn leave the body they know that the food they have eaten has been totally eliminated because the apple o .....

Abortion And Politics
Words: 1150 / Pages: 5

.... of an unwanted pregnancy. The incursion on the liberty of an unmarried woman who becomes pregnant is even more severe. Unable to terminate her pregnancy, she is often forced into marriage against her will and better judgement in an attempt to cope with the new economical and social realities of her life. Of course, frequently, the man who is responsible for the pregnancy refuses to marry her, and responsibility to provide support. The woman may be forced to become a welfare recipient, become part of this cycle of poverty, and expose herself to the personal humiliation, loss of personal liberty, and inadequate income this entails. The impact of pr .....

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