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Health Essay Writing Help

Smoking: I Can Stop Whenever I Want
Words: 432 / Pages: 2

.... to smoke. Smoking is legal almost everywhere in the world, but it shouldn't be because Marijuana smoking isn't. Cigarettes are addictive and they usually lead the smoker to marijuana use or to other kind of drugs. That's why I think that young teenagers shouldn't start smoking at young age. All of you people out there who think that they can stop whenever they want, well I have news flash for you. 1 out of 10 smokers succeed in quitting smoking in United-States. Everyone thinks that they have an iron will and they keep on delaying the time to stop, I'll just stop as my new year resolution, I'll stop in a month, a week, a year. Smoking is really hard t .....

Emergency Visits On The Rise
Words: 490 / Pages: 2

.... reason for the increase in emergency room visits are because of an estimated forty-one billion Americans who does not have health insurance coverage and the senior citizen who is growing to use the emergency room. The psyche patient and homeless patients choose the emergency room over going to a walk-in clinic or doctor’s office because it’s more convenient for them, they rather not put up in the waiting room for hours, and for the homeless patients, the know that their chances of getting a real bed is higher if they come in the emergency room. Eighty-nine percent of all emergency patient thought they need to be seen immediately, but le .....

Psychoanalysis And Treatment
Words: 2217 / Pages: 9

.... The French neurologist Jean Martin CHARCOT tried to rid the mind of undesirable thoughts through hypnotic suggestion, but without lasting success. Josef Breuer, a Viennese physician, achieved better results by letting Anna O., a young woman patient, try to empty her mind by just telling him all of her thoughts and feelings. Freud refined Breuer's method by conceptualizing theories about it and, using these theories, telling his patients through interpretations what was going on inside the unconscious part of their minds, thus making the unconscious become conscious. Many hysterias were cured this way, and in 1895, Breuer and Freud published their .....

Female Genital Mutilation And Culture
Words: 419 / Pages: 2

.... operation, Infibulation is customary in Sudan, Somalia, N.Kenya,, W. Africa and all along the Red Sea coast. After the clitoris is excised and all external genitalia are carved away, the bleeding raw edges of the libia majora are held together by thorns or other fasting devices, until a scar forms to close the entrance to the vagina. The legs of the little girl are tied together for several weeks until the wound heals; a tiny opening is created by inserting a splinter of wood to allow urination. Thus virginity, which is considered especially important by Moslem men, can be proven. These dangerous operations result in permanent damage: hemorrhage .....

The Use Of Supplements Creatine, Androstenedione, And HMB
Words: 2273 / Pages: 9

.... diet. (3) Creatine is also produced endogenously by the liver, pancreas and kidneys. The body of a 70-kg individual produces about two grams of Creatine a day consisting a turnover rate of about 1.6% a day. The body of a 70-kg individual would contain a total of about 120 grams of Creatine. Approximately 60% of the Creatine is stored in its phosphorylated form, phosphocreatine also known as Creatine phosphate(1). Approximately 95% of the body’s Creatine supply are found in the skeletal muscles. The remaining 5% are scattered throughout the rest of the body, with the highest concentrations in the heart, brains, and testes. A skeletal muscle itse .....

Teeth And Diseases Affecting Your Teeth
Words: 729 / Pages: 3

.... 4 molars called wisdom teeth emerge. The 20 primary teeth -4 central incisors, 4 canines (cuspids), and 8 molars- begin to develop pior to birth. They are eventually replaced- beginning around the age of 6 -by 32 permanent teeth.: 4 central incisors, 4 lateral incisors, 4 cuspids, 8 bicuspids (premolars), and 12 molars. The 4 wisdom teeth develop after the other 8 molars, as the jaws increase in size. If this increase is insufficient, the wisdom teeth may become impacted, that is wedged between the jawbone and other teeth, sometimes resulting in pain and inflammation. The upper teeth, called maxillary, and the lower teeth, called mandibular, are sh .....

The Skeletal System
Words: 2456 / Pages: 9

.... tendons connect bones to muscles. Axial Skeleton and Appendicular skeleton: The skeleton are divided into appendicular skeleton (bones of arms and legs or "appendage", and girdler, which attach them to the rest of the body), and axial skeleton (skull, backbone or "vertebrae," ribs and breast bone, or "sternum"). Axial Skeleton The skull is made up of number of bones fused together. The backbone is composed of 33 separate different size and shaped vertebrae, and each of them are composed of centrum (base portion), and neural arch (surrounds and protects spinal cord.) 12 pairs of flat bones make up the rib basket. Its function is to support the .....

Heart Cells
Words: 429 / Pages: 2

.... to look for dividing cells in tissue damaged by heart attacks. They detected cell nuclei that were splitting. Other scientists searching for dividing had not tried that technique. The finding strengthens the possibility that scientists can develop medical treatments to enhance cell division and restore healthy heart muscle. It is too soon, however, to know to what extent such treatments might repair damaged hearts, such as those suffering congenital heart disease. Scientist and researchers at the University of Udine in Italy, studied hearts removed from 27 people who had received transplants. The researchers stained slices of heart tissue .....

Morality And Legality Of Abortion
Words: 546 / Pages: 2

.... laws, a shared belief in what is right and wrong that is eforced by the law. We assert that to ahrm another intentionally or otherwise is wrong and deserving of punishment. Our laws condemn murderers and shun drunk drivers, charging involuntary manslaughter in the case that he/she inadvertently kills another in an accident. There are severe repercussions for rapists and assault of another person. We also often assert that to harm oneself intentionally or in a way that could have been prevented by our own precaution is wrong. These examples include the seatbelt and helmet laws and the ingestion of harmful drugs. In keeping with our common and lawful .....

The Heart
Words: 1535 / Pages: 6

.... of carbon dioxide and have oxygen-poor blood. The aorta is the biggest artery in the whole body. Which will be covered in the report. The pulmonary vein takes the blood out of the heart and takes it to the lungs. Today we will talk about many different parts of the heart: The Three Layers of Muscle, Atriums, Ventricles, Systole and Diastole, Treatments for the Heart, Valves, and many Diseases. The Three Layers of Muscle The heart has three layers of a muscular wall. A thin layer of tissue, the pericardium covers the outside, and another layer, the endocardium, lines the inside. The myocardium is the middle layer and is the bigg .....

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